What they said about us:
Hotel U Jezulátka
Prague 1, Na Kampe
We sold and then we rented a hotel in the heart of the world (in Kampa).
Residence 7 Angels
Pro majitele jsme neveřejnou formou zajistili vhodného provozovatele pro tento krásný objekt nedaleko Staroměstského náměstí.
Hotel Spa Carroline
Pro sympatickou majitelku jsme zajistili pronájem tohoto krásného hotelu.
Hotel ABE
Pro majitele hotelu jsme zajistili nového provozovatele, který se chystá zdvihnout standard pokojů a hotel bude provozovat na špičkové úrovni.
Pension Dvur
A beautiful family business at the foot of the Ore Mountains. The owners were not from the hotel industry and wanted to get the facility into profitable numbers. They performed an operational and business audit. We taught the owner to use all the possibilities of the hotel shop and set up better processes in the pension. We are glad that the steps helped the owners.
Cottage Semaphore
Malá Úpa
In this luxury mountain cottage, we set up the entire operational and business process. We chose the hotel system, contracted sales channels and prepared a pricing and business policy. After we prepared and set everything up, the staff was trained, who now manage everything themselves.
Prague Apartments Group
In this group of luxury apartments in the center of Prague, we have long been helping to manage some online activities and also cooperating in the education of their employees.
Residence Agnes
In this residence, we helped launch sales channels and business activities when the hotel was taken over by the owner from the original tenant. This is a beautiful and well-run hotel, which leads the list of hotels in Prague on Tripadvisor.
Hotel La Fresca 4 * Kromeriz
We represented the owner when choosing a tenant for this 4 * hotel. This is one of the most beautiful hotels in Kroměříž. Subsequently, we provided the new tenant with operational and business support so that the hotel would have a smooth start. It is currently one of the best rated hotels in Kroměříž.
Hotel Chvalska Tvrz Prague
This Prague hotel specializes in corporate events, accommodation, weddings and the operation of the stylish Sezóna restaurant. Our long-term role is to make all operations on the Internet visible, to acquire new sales channels, to invent and promote special offers and also to acquire new corporate clients.
Hotel Baroque
We have found a suitable tenant for this beautiful hotel with a long history. Everything was realized in a non-public form only through contacts from our database.
Apartments Kouty Jeseníky
We have helped this mountain facility manage business activities for many years. We worked with pricing policy, expanded sales channels and many other activities.
Park Golf
Hradec Králové
Park Golf Hradec Králové is a popular golf resort, which includes a great restaurant and hotel. We helped start and manage business activities here.
SeNo 6 Apartments Prague
In this family business, we helped the investor set up business and operational processes and gradually trained family members so that they could manage everything themselves.
and many others...
hotels and boarding houses from various parts of the whole Czech Republic or from abroad
Honest Apartments Prague
Newly opened apartment house in the wider center of Prague. We've helped launch sales channels and also manage device promotion and pricing.
Nerudova 14
Pro tento unikátní objekt jsme zajistili nového nájemce, který z původního hostelu vytvořil luxusní apartmány.
Hasičský dům
Pro Sdružení hasičů jsme zajistili nového nájemce pro provoz jejich hotelu v Praze.
Pension 15
Pro tento krásný rodinný penzion jsme zajistili nového nájemce.
Hotel Hájenka
Filipova Huť
We represented the Czech owner in the tender for a new tenant. A strong Czech hotel chain was chosen as the tenant, which has been successfully operating the property for several years.
Pension Horinka
Velké Losiny
Since 2014, we have been helping to manage the business activities of this family-run guest house.
Hotel Friday
Stylish boutique hotel in the center of Prague. When taking over the hotel from the original tenant, we helped the owner to stir up sales channels, set up proper revenue management and, in cooperation with the director, we managed the business activities of this hotel for more than 7 years.
Hostel Hello
On behalf of the Czech investor, we selected a tenant for this hostel in the wider center of Prague. We also oversaw a smooth transition as part of the takeover of operations from the previous tenant.
Homer Prague, Podebrady and Pilsen
In this family hotel chain we manage the business activities of all their hotels (Homer Prague, Homer Podebrady, Homer Pilsen). We take care of both pricing policy, visibility on the Internet, and addressing corporate clients.
Together with the CzechTourism agency, we prepared trainings and teaching materials within the framework of EU projects that supported the education and development of employees in regional hotels. Among the topics we trained were managerial, operational and business skills. We are honored to give the field back the experience gained.
Hotel Talsky Mlyn
Zdar nad Sazavou
For the town of Žďár nad Sázavou, we have secured a new operator who has leased the entire complex and will operate both a hotel and a restaurant at a top level.
Apartments Svatý Vavřinec
We were honored to be part of the Svatý Vavřinec project, which immediately after opening won the award as a real estate project of 2017. In this project we acted as external consultants, we participated in influencing project dispositions, calculations of operating costs and revenues.
Pension Avionika
Ore Mountains
This mountain guesthouse was built by a successful investor who works in construction. We helped him set up operational and business processes, and we managed his entire business for many years. Later, the investor decided to rent a guest house, so we helped him find a suitable tenant.
Hotels and resorts
Royal Spa
In the Royal Spa group of spa hotels, we cooperate on the training of marketing staff.
Hotel Kinsky Garden
Pro klienta jsme zajistili prodej tohoto krásného hotelu. Po prodeji jsme novému majiteli udělali výběrové řízení na nového provozovatele, které vyhrál místní hotelový řetězec.
Dům Libeň
Tento dům jsme pronajali Českému červenému kříži, který zde bude provozovat domov pro seniory.
Hotel Skalka
Zajistili jsme pronájem tohoto hotelu.
Honest Apartments Praha
Nově otevřený apartmánový dům v širším centru Prahy. Pomohli jsme nastartovat prodejní kanály a také spravujeme propagaci zařízení a cenovou politiku.
Chamber of Commerce
For the Chamber of Commerce, we act as a professional guarantor for assessments of professional qualifications in the hotel industry.
Hotel Sůva
Giant Mountains
We arranged the sale of this hotel for our client. The hotel was bought by a Czech investor, who already owns a number of similar operations, but does not operate hotels himself. For this reason, we found a suitable tenant who operates the hotel before the sale was completed.
Hotel Gendorf and U Zvonu Vrchlabí
In these Krkonoše hotels, we help train staff and also cooperate in managing PPC campaigns.
Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Czech Republic
It is our honor to cooperate in the training of hotel managers and also in the creation of teaching materials for new generations of Czech hoteliers. We perceive the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Czech Republic as a great help for hoteliers in the Czech Republic and we are glad that we can be a part of these activities.
Hotel Adam
Spindleruv Mlyn
We have long been helping to manage the business activities of this beautiful hotel in Špindlerův Mlýn. During our cooperation we were able to significantly increase the average prices and occupancy of this hotel.
Komorní Hůrka
In this well-established hotel, which specializes in spa and wellness clients, we helped launch new sales channels and also consulted on the expansion of the operation with a wellness and conference room.
Hotel Koruna
The operator of this hotel originally did business in gastronomy, we helped him set up business and operational processes and then we handed over all activities to their hands. The hotel has long held its name as one of the best hotels in the region.
Levitate Restaurant Prague
In this experiential restaurant, we helped to stir up marketing activities, especially in establishing cooperation with Prague hotels. The restaurant soon received an award from the prestigious "Michelin" guide.
Hotel Purkmistr
Hotel Purkmistr is located in the heart of picturesque Kromeriz. We have been helping to promote the promotion of this beautiful hotel for many years. We mainly manage online visibility and pricing policy.
Václav Hustopeče Winery
Wine is a liquefied joy, and therefore we were honored to help start the business activities of Vinařství Václav. We contracted sales channels, created pricing policies, and managed search engine campaigns.